We make the path by walking

warruwi ngiyani gimulbildanha yanawaandaay
gabanma-li: |gah·bahn·mah·lē|
origin: Gamilaraay
verb: to heal; to restore; to make whole
Journeying with young people on their path to restoration, healing, and wholeness


Healing land.
Healing self.
Healing community.


"House of God"

A 40-Acre Farm in Dalby, QLD.
Connecting with Creation, Creator, and Community.
Formed by Ancient Wisdom towards Rejuvenation, Sustainability, and Equality.
gunimaa: |goo·nē·mah|
origin: Gamilaraay
noun: Mother Earth/Country
beth-el |beð·el|
origin: Hebrew
noun: House of God

At dhiiyaan we believe children are sacred and take child safety very seriously. Please ask for our child safe venue policy for more details. Art work by Uncle Tex Skuthorpe.